
2020-09-04 15:46点击次数:2919

数字货币 digital currency

The People's Bank of China, the central bank, is testing its digital currency in Shenzhen, Chengdu, Suzhou, Xiong'an and some areas where the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held.


中国人民银行自2014年开始研究法定数字货币。2017年,中国人民银行数字货币研究所正式成立。经国务院批准,人民银行组织部分实力雄厚的商业银行和有关机构共同开展数字人民币体系(digital currency and electronic payment,DC/EP)的研发。

中国人民银行数字货币可以看做是数字化的人民币现金(digitalized currency),由央行结算且具有法偿性(legal tender)。从使用场景上看,央行数字货币可用于小额、零售、高频的业务场景,与使用纸币差别不大。它不依托于银行账户和支付账户,只要用户手机装有数字货币钱包(digital wallet)即可使用。


Currently, the tests include salary payments to civil servants, payment for public transport services and energy and supply chain trading.


Most of the applications are designed for consumer consumption, and it still needs time to find the appropriate model for business users.

E-payment services in China are dominated by internet giants such as Alipay and WeChat Pay which allow transfer of money by a simple scan of the quick response code. The sovereign digital currency may need to find ways to make the payment options more convenient and the costs will have to be competitive with other third-party payment services.

I级防汛应急响应 the highest level of flood control response

8月18日5时,四川启动I级防汛应急响应(activate the highest level of flood control response),这是有记录以来,四川首次启动该响应。

Continuous rainfall has caused 22 major rivers in Sichuan to exceed their flood warning levels. Swelling rivers have flooded some urban areas in the city of Ya'an and Leshan. Local authorities have evacuated more than 100,000 people affected by the disaster.

The Ya'an section of the Qingyi River was hit by a major flood rarely seen in a hundred years, while water levels in the entire Qingyi River basin, as well as the lower reaches of Dadu River and Minjiang River, are expected to exceed warning levels.



警戒水位(warning level)是指河流、湖泊随着水位逐步升高,堤防可能发生险情并需要加强防守的水位(the water level where dykes need consolidation)。到达这一水位,要进行防汛动员,加大人力、物力投入,实行昼夜巡堤查险。

保证水位(flood-stage level),又称最高水位或危险水位,是指堤防设计水位或历史上防御过的最高洪水位(the highest floodwater level a dyke has ever withstood),也是汛期堤防及其附属工程能保证安全运行的上限洪水位。接近或到达这一水位,防汛进入全面紧急状态,堤防临水时间已长,堤身土体可能达到饱和状态,随时都有出险的可能。这时要密切巡查,全力以赴,确保堤防安全。

汛限水位(the upper limit of reservoir water level)是指汛期水库允许蓄水的上限水位,也是水库汛期防洪调度运用时的起调水位。


The Jiuzhaigou National Park, also known as the Jiuzhai Valley, a UNESCO world heritage site famed for its spectacular waterfalls, lush forests, serene plateau lakes and karst rock formations in the mountainous areas of Sichuan, announced temporary closure due to safety concerns.

Incessant torrential rainfall has blocked roads to the scenic spot, with part of the area flooded by a river, according to the site's administration.



Floods also affected the Leshan Giant Buddha, another UNESCO world heritage site situated outside the city of Leshan. Flood water reached the toes of the Buddha statue for the first time since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.

On Monday night, local police and scenic-spot staff placed sandbags at the platform under the Buddha's feet, building a dam-like structure to protect the statue.


This coming Thursday the Three Gorges reservoir in central China's Hubei province is expected to see the most severe round of floods since it started to hold water in 2003.

According to a forecast by the Changjiang Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources, the inbound flow of water is expected to reach more than 74,000 cubic meters per second after continuous heavy rain battered the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

The Yangtze River, China's longest waterway, recorded the fifth flood of the year in its upper reaches on Monday.


潜伏期 incubation period


The incubation period for COVID-19, the time between exposure to the virus and the onset of symptoms, is about three to seven days for most people and can be up to 14 days, during which these pre-symptomatic patients can be contagious, according to the latest guideline.

The five days after symptoms occur is when the disease becomes highly transmissible, the guideline said.


在说到“具有传染性的”这个意思时,新闻报道中常用的两个词是contagious和transmissible,在表示某个疾病具有传染性的时候,这两个词是可以互相替换使用的,contagious/transmissible disease。二者的区别在于,transmissible只能用来形容疾病的传染性,而contagious适用的范围要广得多,除了表示疾病本身的传染性之外,也可以用来形容染了传染病的患者,contagious patients。此外,我们形容一个人的笑声特别有感染力,也可以说contagious laughter;某个时尚潮流传播很快就是a contagious fad。


Respiratory droplets and close contact with infected patients are the primary methods of transmission,and exposure to virus-contaminated objects can also cause infection, it added.


In terms of the effect of the novel coronavirus on the body, the guideline said the virus can damage the lungs, spleen, bone marrow, cardiovascular system, liver, kidney, brain and digestive tracts.


The symptoms of infected children are typically mild, with nausea, diarrhea and shortness of breath being some of the more common ones, the guideline found. However, an extremely small number of children could develop Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome, showing symptoms similar to the rare Kawasaki disease, an inflammation in the walls of arteries throughout the body that primarily affects children younger than 5.


中美航班 China-US flights

Under the agreement, Chinese airlines that already fly to the US-Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines and Xiamen Airlines-will be allowed to make eight weekly round trips instead of four, according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

The two US carriers currently flying to China-United Airlines and Delta Air Lines-would also double their service to eight a week, equivalent to the total number of flights now permitted by US aviation authorities to Chinese carriers, according to a US Department of Transportation statement on Tuesday.


Double、triple、quadruple 这三个词在英语中用来表达不同的倍数,均可以做名词、动词、形容词和副词,用法很灵活。Double 表示“两倍、双份”或“使(什么)增加一倍”,比如:The editor thinks they can double the magazine circulation by the end of the year.主编觉得他们能在年底把杂志发行量增加一倍。另外,单词 double 在影视领域还指“替身演员”,比如,He worked as a double for Daniel Craig in the film.他在这部影片中担任丹尼尔·克雷格的替身。

Triple表示“三倍,增加两倍”,比如,My rent tripled last month.上个月,我的房租涨了两倍。

Quadruple这个词表示“四倍,四部分,增加三倍”的意思,词性和用法与前面的 double 和 triple 相似。需要注意的是,“增加三倍”其实也就是中文中常说的“翻两番”,所以这两种说法都可以用 quadruple 来表示,比如:Our exports to the US have quadrupled in the past three years.过去三年间,我们对美国的出口额增加了三倍(也就是翻了两番)。


Delta Air Lines said it will add one more flight each week between Detroit and Shanghai and Seattle and Shanghai, both via Seoul, as of Monday.

United Airlines said it will go from two to four flights per week between San Francisco and Shanghai starting on Sept 4.


All domestic airlines were allowed to operate only one flight to each country per week, while foreign aviation companies should keep only one air route to China and there should be no more than one flight every week for each of the air route to China, according to the circular.



As an incentive, carriers will be allowed to increase the number of international flights to two per week on one route if the number of passengers who have a positive nucleic acid test on their flights stands at zero for three consecutive weeks, according to the administration.

The airline must suspend the operation of the route for one week if the number of passengers who test positive for the coronavirus reaches five. If the number exceeds 10, the airline will suspend the flights for four weeks, it said.


As of Aug 12, China maintained regular passenger traffic with 50 countries. A total of 93 airlines-19 domestic and 74 foreign-have been operating 187 international passenger routes, according to the CAAC.

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