
2020-07-29 16:17点击次数:2701

  1. “两个一百年”目标    two centenary goals

  2. “一带一路”倡议   the Belt and Road Initiative

  3. “因俗而治” “因事而治”  special policies based on special local customs and conditions

  4. “走出去”战略   going global

  5. 安全风险  security hazards

  6. 八一勋章  the August 1 Medal

  7. 百花齐放春满园   All flowers in full blossom make a beautiful spring.

  8. 不断开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面  continuously open up new prospects for socialism with Chinese characteristics

  9. 不忘初心,牢记使命    remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind

  10. 产教融合  integration between industry and education

  11. 城际交通  intercity transportation

  12. 城乡发展一体化   urban-rural integration

  13. 创新协调绿色、开放共享的发展理念   the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, and open development

  14. 创新发展  innovative development

  15. 创新是引领发展的第一动力    innovation is the primary engine of development

  16. 大道之行,天下为公    A just cause should be pursued for the common good

  17. 大气污染防治行动   campaign to prevent and control air pollution

  18. 大众创业,万众创新    mass entrepreneurship and innovation

  19. 单边主义  unilateralism

  20. 德智体美全面培养的教育体系    an education   system  which  comprehensively fosters  the students all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic grounding with a hard-working spirit

  21. 多边主义  multilateralism

  22. 发展中国家  developing countries

  23. 富强民主和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国 a  great modern   socialist  country that  is prosperous,strong, democratic, culturally  dvanced, harmonious, and beautiful

  1. 改革开放  reform and opening-up

  2. 高龄津贴  old age allowance

  3. 革命文物保护利用   protection and utilization of revolutionary cultural relics

  4. 耕地流失  loss of arable land

  5. 功勋薄  Book of Merit

  6. 共和国勋章  the Medal of the Republic

  7. 国际援助  international assistance

  8. 国际组织  international organization

  9. 国家荣誉称号   national titles of honor

  10. 国家生态文明试验区    national ecological conservation pilot zone

  11. 行百里者半九十   the last leg of a journey marks the halfway point

  12. 核安全命运共同体   a community of shared future for nuclear safety

  13. 核应急  nuclear emergency

  14. 获得感、幸福感、安全感    sense of fulfillment, happiness and security

  15. 家和万事兴  harmony in a family makes everything successful

  16. 家教家风  family education and family values

  17. 坚持人民主体地位   uphold the principal position of the people

  18. 交通强国  a country with strong transportation network

  19. 交通一体化  traffic integration

  20. 教育体制改革   reform of the education system

  21. 精准扶贫  targeted poverty alleviation

  22. 就业创业  employment and entrepreneurship

  23. 绿色低碳循环发展产业体系   industrial   system  geared  toward green,  low-carbon, and circular development

  24. 慢就业  delayed employment

  25. 民间外交  civil diplomacy

  26. 民生  the wellbeing of the people/ the people    s livelihood

  27. 民主集中制  the system of democratic centralism

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