
2020-03-03 23:19点击次数:4401


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火神山医院 Huoshenshan Hospital

Huoshenshan (Fire God Mountain) Hospital was delivered Sunday in Wuhan. It is dedicated to treating patients infected with the novel coronavirus.

A total of 1,400 medical staff from the armed forces are tasked with treating patients in Huoshenshan Hospital starting from Monday. The medics consist of 950 people from hospitals affiliated to the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Joint Logistic Support Force, and 450 from medical universities of the army, navy and air force of the PLA who were sent to Wuhan earlier.


The new facility will ease the shortage of beds in the city resulting from an increasing number of patients infected with the novel coronavirus.


——分区严格隔离(different sections are strictly separated)。通过设置清洁区(cleaning section)、半污染区(partially contaminated section)、污染区(contaminated section)及医护人员专用通道和病人专用通道(separate routes for medical staff and patients)的布置方式,严格避免交叉感染(cross infection)。医疗区与生活区同样严格隔离。医护人员进出病区设置包括风淋在内的专用卫生通过设施,最大限度地保护医护人员的健康安全。

——病房带上“口罩”(every ward is technically masked)。离地面架空30厘米的每间病房,放置两张病床,均设有独立的卫生间。两扇窗户和通道组成的专用隔离防护窗,用于药品和食品的传递。医院绝大部分房间都是负压房间(most of the rooms in the hospital are under negative pressure),房间内的压力比外面低,如同给病房带上“口罩”,避免病毒随着气流产生交叉感染。

——污染集中处理(all contaminated resources go through high-standard disinfection)。医院铺设了5万平方米的防渗膜,覆盖整个院区,确保污染物不会渗透到土壤水体中,同时医院安装了雨水、污水处理系统,经过两次氯气消毒处理,达标后才可排放。所有房间排风均经过消毒杀菌及高效过滤达标后,才高空排放。

A second special hospital for the treatment of the novel coronavirus — Leishenshan Hospital — is under construction in Wuhan. It is expected to be completed on Wednesday and start receiving patients the following day.

方舱医院 mobile cabin hospital

Wuhan will make use of the city's sports stadium and two convention centers, and renovate them into three mobile cabin hospitals to offer a total of 3,400 beds to treat novel coronavirus infected patients with mild symptoms.


“方舱医院”(mobile cabin hospitals)是解放军野战机动医疗系统的一种(part of mobile field medical system of the PLA),在各种应急救治中也有广泛使用。“方舱医院”一般由医疗功能单元(medical treatment)、病房单元(ward)、技术保障单元(technical support)等部分构成,是一种模块化卫生装备,具有紧急救治(emergency treatment)、外科处置(surgical treatment)、临床检验(clinical tests)等多方面功能。


Medical staff will be dispatched to the three hospitals to take care of patients who test positive for the virus — but show no severe symptoms — as soon as they are completed. Once a patient's symptoms worsen, he or she will be transferred to Jinyintan Hospital, one of the city's designated hospitals to admit patients infected with the new virus, in a timely manner.

病死率 fatality rate


The current case fatality rate (CFR) of the novel coronavirus infection on the Chinese mainland has dropped to 2.1 percent, Chinese health authorities said Tuesday.

The CFR remained stable after an initial 2.3 percent recorded at the beginning of the outbreak, said Jiao Yahui with the National Health Commission at a daily press briefing on the epidemic.


病死率(case fatality rate,CFR)指一段时间内患有某个病症的所有患者中,因该病死亡人数所占的比例。病死率的计算方式就是,用该病患者死亡人数除以该病所有患者人数。

与之相关的还有一个概念就是,发病率(incidence rate),指特定人群在一定时间内发生某个病症新病例的频率。

The CFR in Hubei province was 3.1 percent, as the majority of the deaths occurred in the province, which saw a death toll of 414, over 97 percent of the total.

In Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei, the CFR stood at 4.9 percent and the death toll was 313, accounting for 74 percent of the national total.


The current case fatality rate (CFR) of the novel coronavirus infection on the Chinese mainland has dropped to 2.1 percent, Chinese health authorities said Tuesday.

The CFR remained stable after an initial 2.3 percent recorded at the beginning of the outbreak, said Jiao Yahui with the National Health Commission at a daily press briefing on the epidemic.


病死率(case fatality rate,CFR)指一段时间内患有某个病症的所有患者中,因该病死亡人数所占的比例。病死率的计算方式就是,用该病患者死亡人数除以该病所有患者人数。

与之相关的还有一个概念就是,发病率(incidence rate),指特定人群在一定时间内发生某个病症新病例的频率。

The CFR in Hubei province was 3.1 percent, as the majority of the deaths occurred in the province, which saw a death toll of 414, over 97 percent of the total.

In Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei, the CFR stood at 4.9 percent and the death toll was 313, accounting for 74 percent of the national total.

The fatality rate outside Hubei was only 0.16 percent.

More than 80 percent of the deaths were elderly people over 60 years old, and over 75 percent had at least one underlying disease such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and tumors.

中央一号文件 No. 1 central document


This year the document urged efforts on two main tasks -- winning the battle against poverty and strengthening areas of weakness concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers, as the country strives to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects this year.


中央一号文件(No. 1 central document)指中共中央每年发布的第一份文件(the first policy statement released by central authorities each year)。中共中央在2004年至2020年连续十七年发布以“三农”(农业、农村、农民)为主题的中央一号文件,强调了“三农”问题(issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers)在中国社会主义现代化时期“重中之重”的地位。

这份文件题为《中共中央 国务院关于抓好“三农”领域重点工作确保如期实现全面小康的意见》,全文共5个部分,包括:坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战(win the battle against poverty);对标全面建成小康社会加快补上农村基础设施和公共服务短板(improve infrastructure and public services in rural areas);保障重要农产品有效供给和促进农民持续增收(ensure supplies of important agricultural products, promote the increases in farmers' incomes);加强农村基层治理(strengthen grassroots governance in rural areas);强化农村补短板保障措施(improve rural weak links)。


China has made decisive achievements in poverty relief and vowed to fully realize poverty elimination targets this year. In doing so, the country will increase support for areas in deep poverty by adding poverty alleviation funds, the document said.

Efforts should also be made to provide institutional guarantees to prevent people from returning to poverty after being lifted out of it in a bid to consolidate poverty relief results.

The document noted that the country should keep the poverty alleviation policies on stable footing.

China will see an immense change after it accomplishes its poverty elimination tasks, it said, urging that poverty reduction work should center more on addressing relative poverty and become normalized.

The country should establish long-term mechanisms and strengthen the "top-level design" to tackle relative poverty while accelerating its pace to introduce the guideline, connecting poverty alleviation efforts with rural vitalization strategies.

Areas of weakness in rural work such as infrastructure and public services should be improved, while efforts should be made to ensure safe drinking water and strengthen rural environmental protection, said the document.

Rural education will be further improved by strengthening the building of boarding schools in townships and increasing supplies of inclusive preschool education resources through multiple channels, it said.

The document also noted that the country will beef up efforts on improving medical and health services in rural areas.

As food security is a top priority, China will secure supplies of important agricultural products and maintain the stability of grain planting areas and output this year.

China will work to return hog production capacity to normal levels by the end of 2020, support the production of dairy and poultry products and guide the optimization of meat consumption structure, according to the document.

The document called for the integrated industrial development in rural areas propelled by a whole industry chain based on local resources and advantages, along with industrial clusters with a competitive edge.

Agricultural structures should be optimized to feature more high-quality agricultural products and better certification of healthy food, organic produce and source of production, while e-commerce penetration in rural areas and oversight of food and produce should be enhanced.

It also urged the stable employment of migrant workers among efforts to protect their wages.

Governance and the leadership of the Communist Party of China in rural communities should be strengthened, it said.

The document also vowed more investments into rural work, encouraging the issuance of local government special bonds to boost rural vitalization as well as monetary, fiscal and policy support for rural work.

New agricultural entities such as qualified family farms are eligible to enjoy preferential credit and tax policies, it said.

The country will steadily expand pilot reforms of inclusive finance in rural areas and advance the listing of futures and options related to agricultural products.

Land for the development of rural industries should be guaranteed, it said.

The document also stressed efforts to encourage rural migrant workers, college graduates, veterans and entrepreneurs to start businesses in rural areas and support the application of more technological achievements in rural areas.

The country vowed to step up breakthroughs in key agricultural core technologies and develop heavy smart agricultural machinery. Meanwhile, the building of agricultural innovation platforms such as science and technology centers should be strengthened.

The document also stressed key reforms in rural area. The country will improve the basic rural operation system, advance reform of the rural land system and make specific policies on extending the current round of rural land contracts for another 30 years upon expiration based on trials.

China will press ahead with pilot reforms of the rural collective property rights system nationwide, the document said.

The document urged the deepening of reform in agricultural administration to perfect the law enforcement system and improve law enforcement capabilities.

Policies should fit local conditions and farmers' wishes, the document noted, stressing that officials should avoid formalism and bureaucracy in policy implementation.

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