Violators of Swiss heating rules could go to jail
俄罗斯对欧洲能源供应将持续下降,欧洲能源危机可能愈演愈烈,多个欧洲国家将在今冬遭遇愈发严峻的能源短缺问题。据瑞士媒体《观点日报(Blick)》9月6日报道,瑞士政府近日出台了一项冬季天然气使用新规定,内容包括室内供暖温度不得超过19摄氏度、禁用辐射加热器等条款。对于违反规定者,轻则罚款,重则处以最高3年的监禁。瑞士各州可以在9月22日之前提交针对这项条例草案的建议和关切。Violators of Swiss heating rules could go to jail
The Swiss government has taken drastic steps to alleviate the energy crisis gripping Europe, local newspaper Blick reported on Tuesday. Those who violate the government’s heating regulations this winter could be given a fine or even jail time, it said.
Under the rules introduced in a new government ordinance, buildings with gas heating systems can only warm rooms up to 19C. Hot water can only be heated up to 60C, and radiant heaters are banned. Pools and saunas in Switzerland will have to remain cold this winter as well.
People who violate the rules could face fines of up to 180 daily penalty units or end up behind bars for three years, according to Blick. A daily rate in this case can amount to between 30 and 3,000 Swiss francs, depending on the severity of the violation and the economic circumstances of the perpetrator, the daily added.
Utility companies and other businesses that deliberately exceed their gas quotas are likely to face even more severe penalties, Blick said, without going into details. The government, however, says it does not plan to send a police officer into every house.
Economy Minister Guy Parmelin said that “spot checks” by law enforcement are possible.
The Swiss cantons now have until September 22 to submit suggestions and concerns related to the government’s draft ordinance.